The project itself is meant to unite four countries of V4 via art and Moldava nad Bodvou and its region exploration. It will be implemented through various activities as an international meeting of 48 secondary school students and 10 teachers in Slovakia. Because aestetic communication occurs through creative expression, by this open air Art camp and its outputs we want to leave behind a powerful legacy which will have an impact on our surroundings. Simply, "Art has no border."
"VISEGRAD FEATURE" OF OUR PROJECTFour countries of V4 will participate in this project via the partner towns of Moldava nad Bodvou. The role of the project is not only to strenghten the partnership and town twinning which has been maintained only on political level so far, but also make it more valuable and meaningful. It can be achieved through activities enabling the contribution of ordinary people in this case of students via art. Art as a powerful means of communication creates connections between people and discovering of the region will be the impulse for the artistic creation. The project itself gives an opportunity for intensive interaction of teachers and students and an opportunity to understand what is common and unique in historical and cultural features of the involved countries.