DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTIONYoung people are gifted with a particular talent. We aimed this project to discover their hidden talent and unknown capacities through art and travelling. Travelling will help to explore themselves and art to bring their messages into everyday life. The project is also focused on self – promotion of our town and recognition of the region so it includes three days of sightseeing trips and guided tours in our town and its surrounding area. In the afternoons and on the two other days artistic workshops will take place. Students will be divided into twelve groups. Each group will consist of four members of different nationalities. Within the workshops students will use twelve different creative technics, which will result in twelve artistic works joined together in a publication to produce a promotional material – calendar for 2016. The visited region which inspires them should be incorporated in the works as well as the stylised dove which is a symbol of freedom and can be found in the coat of arms of our town. By realisation of the outputs the participants will get a clear understanding of the interaction of culture, history, geography and art.